Monday, June 8, 2015

What is it about learning?

What is it about Learning?

I guess it is obvious ... I mean people that love to read, love to learn.  Right?

Sanderson creates a simple game in the Rithmatist.  The rules are very general, who knows what the game is really all about, but immediately we want to learn more.  It's the Hogwarts' Effect or really any wizarding book that we wonder, "How does the magic work?"

It creates mystery.

"Maybe I can learn how to do this?" we think.

"Is there a guide?"

"Some way that I could do this ..."

Wow, we are funny creatures.  Not only do us readers choose to leave reality pretty often and get lost in a good book, but we want to learn the rules of those worlds.  We want to know how they work. 

Maybe this is because our on world works in such a ... to be blunt ... awful way.  I mean how many of our Senators can be paid off by big business? Do we really think that a certain class, race, or sex is superior? I mean how could we even get to that point.  

It's like a priest in the Middle Ages condemning a woman for witchcraft.  Or some ancient civilization sacrificing a virgin to appease the gods.  

We look for justice.  We look for balance and good.  If a character dedicates themselves to learning, than they should become a master and the story should give us faith that the universe responds justly and according to rules that will stand the test of time.

Just a puzzle.  That was all Sanderson presented, but curiosity was stirred.  And though this is one of his lesser novels in this fan's opinion, he still got me.  A nine pointed circle ... wow ... whatever ever could that mean?

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